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What Is Emotional Intelligence?


What is emotional intelligence (EQ)?

Emotional intelligence in the IQ-EQ-BioQ framework embraces situational awareness, emotion management, effective prioritisation, and allostasis which is adaptive self-regulation, resilience and stability through change.

    Brain basis of EQ

    The brain network for emotional intelligence and self-regulation is the Salience Network (SN).

    One hub of this network receives mind-body feedback about homeostatic and allostatic states while another manages relevant  autonomic, emotional, cognitive and behavioural responses. These two hubs interact to form an information processing loop for representing and responding to relevant internal or external stimuli and imbuing these stimuli with emotional and motivational weight.

    At a very general level, this network steers your brain into states where other networks such as the Frontoparietal Network (FPN) and Default Mode Network (DMN) are either coupled or decoupled. The SN is a network closely linked to situational awareness and attention orientation, selection and gating of information, and multitasking, with an integrating role across other cognitive systems.

    salience network self-regulation



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    Seeley, W. W. (2019). The Salience Network: A Neural System for Perceiving and Responding to Homeostatic Demands. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(50), 9878–9882.

